Team Enneagram and Coaching


The Enneagram is a personality profiling system that not only accurately reveals personality patterns but also provides helpful insights into exploring ways to grow and develop the best aspects of your personality.

It provides understanding about people, their core motivations and needs.

The Enneagram (pronounced any-a-gram) figure is a circle inscribed by nine points. In Greek, ennea means nine and gramma means point.

Each point portrays a distinctive personality style that has its own way of viewing, construing, and responding to people and events.

The Enneagram can be life changing when used well but it is also often confusing as many people make a few errors when learning the Enneagram.

A trained ILS Enneagram Coach will unclutter the Enneagram for you to make sure that you avoid the mistakes, especially the mistakes that lead to mistyping (assigning the wrong Enneagram type to people).

Online Enneagram tests are only 50-60% accurate, and so InnerLifeSkills (ILS) has developed a proven way to rather Coach the Enneagram type.

This way we give people the knowledge of the Enneagram, not just their type and offer more accurate typing because we have helped someone to discover their type.